Sunday, October 9, 2011

Out for a stroll

It's early Sunday morning and unusually "crisp" for this time of year: still only in the 50s. We savor this break from the heat and gladly put on our sweaters for a walk or stroll in the morning's gentle light. Yesterday, we walked along the Rillito River which, I must describe for non-Arizona readers, is without water for all but the heaviest of monsoons or mountain snow run-offs. This year, because the rains lingered in September, the vegetation along the banks is deep green and we spotted late blooming yellow flowers and black-eyed Susans bobbing along the mesquite and palo verde bushes. Dogs and their owners were pounding the sand and a red-tailed hawk lifted along the thermal drifts.

This morning, as I sit and write, it is the parade of our neighborhood dog walkers strolling by--some retired couples or singles, a few early rising UA students, all with a dog or two on leash, enjoying this brisk autumn air.

I am watering my lazy morning glory so that her blue blossoms will last a bit longer into this season. I think that vine has become a symbol of this year for me. It planted itself next to a dying oleander and began its climb up the dead branches a couple of months ago. It is now filling out that empty space with huge leaves and blossoms and surprises me every day with its persistence growth. I like to think its endurance represents my spirit and so I water it to keep it widening its arch across the back patio.

Is there a tree, a plant, a flower or vine that symbolizes your growth or spirit this year? And have you tended it, and yourself, well?

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