Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tucson Meet Yourself: a very bright BrightSpot

This weekend was the 38th year for the Tucson Meet Yourself Festival.  The weather yesterday was cooler than usual and so we packed in three hours with visiting Ohio-Green Valley friends.  We started off with tacos and Pico de Gallo and then visited the booths before being entertained by the Maguire Academy of Dance.  One of the dancers, second from the right in the photo, is the seven year old daughter of my physical therapist.  She's lucky to have a dad who will always be taking care of her ankles, knees and other dancing joints!!

A display of quilts, some from the Arizona Centennial Exhibit at the Arizona Historical Society, was one stop I didn't want to miss.

By the Convention Center, Kidlore had a fun corner with cardboard boxes and chalking making on the sidewalk.  Remember when kids could have fun with just boxes or chalk---well, they still do!!
Hopefully, if you are a Tucsonan, you were able to enjoy the Festival this year.  If you are an out-of-towner, plan for it next year--and there are now ongoing events you can plug into if you want to take on some of the light of this Tucson BrightSpot.

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