Another good day for Talk UP^ Tucson..., thanks to my community friends and colleagues. According to the event planner for Bookman's, the average sale for the two hour fair is 4-5 books, and I sold 6! Besides that, I met other authors (and reviewed the quality of their books--the cover, paper and color design quality, etc., something I need to do whenever I can), and had fun with kiddies who drew pictures to define the word "happiness." I will be posting photos of their drawings soon, but for today, here is a compilation of photos taken by Mark Grushka, my husband and Talk UP^ Tucson... photographer--except for the one photo with him in it!
Just me, at the table display.
Sharon Thomas, Community Renaissance-Publishing Program Business Manager, and me.
Display table: candy, clementines, markers and paper for kids' drawings, vintage blocks that spell "glad", wooden dancing figure, Ben's Bells kindness stickers, books, and business supplies
Art Gallery poster before the kids' drawings. Prompts read--happiness is..., prosperity is..., community is....
A family affair--my sister, Donna from the 4/18 launch at Starbucks @ River & Campbell
My dad at thr 4/20 Authors' Fair at Bookman's on Speedway
My hubby/photographer/life-long love
Congratulations, Anita, and best wishes for the success of your book!
Melanie Walsh
Association of Independent Authors