this is an "original" erasure story by Anita C. Fonte based on the original written by Corey Kilgannon, New York Times, 4/8/2017 "The Brandy Still Flows at His Fountain of Youth". The "erasure story" is a concept developed by Austin Kleon in his book, Steal Like An Artist.
photo by Anita C. Fonte at Ralph P. Fonte's birthday, Tucson, Arizona, February, 2013
"The problem with turning 107 is that you can't work no more."
Until a few years ago, he tended Mario's parking lot, while working as a waiter of sorts. Besides Mario's on Wednesdays, he goes on Saturday nights to Pasquale's Rigoletto restaurant down the block, where he dances with his girlfriend and performs burlesque songs.
He is Jewish and was raised by Yiddish speaking parents in Brooklyn, but now is more conversant in Italian. He jokes that he was born Jewish but will die Italian. Regarding his health, he said that more or less, "everything works."
"People plan, God laughs," he said.
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