Saturday, August 31, 2013

S. Arizona Watercolor Guild Art Gallery: A Vibrant Tucson "BrightSpot"

Yesterday, as a free-lance writer/reviewer for the Sonoran Arts Network (, Mark and I visited the Gallery to cover their fourth WOW show.  I have submitted my review (and his photos) to SAN, but here I want to highlight two watercolors that were not part of the WOW show.  They are hung on the back walls of the gallery and feature, first, an artist who has served the Guild as a gallery show juror and workshop teacher.  This painting, entitled, Windmill Inn, is by Frank Frances.  I love its pink color and stand-out image of the hotel's facade.

Second is one I wanted to buy, if I had the income.  Painted by Ellen Fountain , it features two of my favorite subjects these days:  daisies/black-eyed Susans and a black/gray cat.  Had I the talent she does, which I obviously do not, this could be Charlie A. Gray admiring a vase of flowers in our home.
Whether as a writer for SAN or not, I will be visiting this charming gallery more often.  It is staffed by artist-volunteers who were so helpful and willing to talk with us, answer questions and take photos.  The talent displayed in the gallery and the gallery itself earn this week's Community Renaissance "shout out" for another Tucson BrightSpot!

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